get a personalized
with Sherrie Kapala

Hey ladies, if YOU would like to just KNOW everything you should/shouldn’t do so you can lose the weight already.. then YOU ARE IN FOR A TREAT!
Watch this!
For a limited time, I am making a special bundle available to a LIMITED number of women. This is for those of you who are looking to lose weight and want to know all the details ASAP so you can GET GOING NOW on your weight loss journey!
I will be creating a personalized weight-loss plan specifically for you!
I’ve arranged to provide ALL the best weight loss tips and insights that were FUNDAMENTAL to my own weight loss success. Everything I’ll be sharing in this bundle is EXACTLY what I share with my personal clients inside of The Seeker’s Method, but over the course of several months.
This bundle ALSO includes a lot of the things I share only with my VIP clients and my group coaching clients in The Thinner Circle.
This special bundle comes with so many powerful tools INCLUDING a 2-hour phone call with me where we discuss what you need to start/stop doing so you can lose weight.
During this 2 hour call I will teach you EVERYTHING you need to know so you can set your life up for weight loss success.
THIS is for the self-starting woman who needs an outline, a calendar, a strategy, and a PLAN.
View testimonials from Sherrie's Clients! (Don't worry, you won't leave this page)

Here is what you can expect:
A strategy call with me where we will work together to identify a weight loss program that suits your weight loss needs for this season in your life.
The Journaling companion guide which will serve to deepen your walk with Christ.
A 3-month calendar with a phased approach to eating, meal timing and a 4-minute workout. The calendar and the journaling companion guide workbook will facilitate a spiritual journey for you as you step through the narrow path of weight loss.
A weekly checklist to help you stay on track spiritually, emotionally, and physically.
A checklist of things to do daily, weekly, and monthly to position yourself for weight loss. (Things like when to plan, prep and shop. How to prep via different prepping modalities).
What to do every day to make each TOMORROW successful.
How to handle social engagements on a weight loss journey as well as MANAGING and overcoming temptation.
We’ll dive into obstacle planning and develop an obstacle management plan.
No need to wait for The Seeker’s Method to start!