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The Best time to start losing weight!

Writer's picture: Sherrie KapalaSherrie Kapala

HAVE YOU EVER wanted to lose weight, maybe say, for an upcoming trip that’s like 6 months away but EVERY TIME YOU GO TO START a new weight loss program, you are reminded that it’s just not a good time to start because there’s a dinner party that you don’t want to miss out this weekend, or maybe because you’re going to be sampling wedding cakes with your best friend…or it’s your anniversary in two weeks and you want to be able to have wine and eat anything at your favorite restaurant? HAS THAT EVER been your reality? It can’t just be mine?

Here’s the thing. There will NEVER be a good time. Not only that, but the WORST time is still the best time for God! God’s word is FULL of examples of HOW He had people do things ON HIS TIMELINE, NEVER when it was convenient for them or their schedule! Do you agree?

For example, The Israelites were led into the promised land and told to cross the Jordan River when the river was at its highest, its strongest. I imagine that Israelites were aware that it was the LEAST IDEAL time to cross. But here is the message and the ENCOURAGEMENT FOR YOU! If you are stuck in a pattern of BAD TIMING…. lean in! God instructed them to do a hard thing when the circumstances around them were the most difficult. Because God was with them. Just like he is with us. And to the Israelites he said GO! If you are in a season where you hear GOD telling you to MOVE! TO GO! Then that means it’s God’s timing and you need to MOVE! Though you might find difficulty being obedient because life’s circumstances don’t seem RIGHT…I urge you to move despite your circumstances!

Why? Because sometimes God wants us to boldly step forward despite the elements. What if God wants you to go now despite how everything looks because he wants to demonstrate his power in your life!? What if he wants to show you his supernatural power so to give you a restored hope in him in this area of your life?

Perhaps this is an opportunity where God wants to show you how to transfer your hope from the things of this world like diets, willpower, and exhaustive working out, and instead to help you stand up stronger with your hope firmly rooted in your relationship with him. What if He’s trying to teach you to WALK IN YOUR FAITH vs. perpetually walking in your feelings WHILE losing weight during the most inopportune time?

My encouragement for you today is to TRUST that though everything around you may not appear to be the perfect time to start doing a new and even hard thing such as starting a new weight loss program, that the circumstances are always perfect for God!

In Joshua 3, God promised the leading priests that as soon as their feet touched the roaring waters, that they would be positioned to cross it. But they had to take the first step. The first step of faith.

This applies to you if you can’t seem to find the RIGHT TIME to start a new weight loss program. Take the first step of faith in the direction of God. Invite him into your weight loss journey. Ask him to strengthen you where you feel powerless. Ask him to give you power where you feel weak. Ask Him to show you WHEN IT’S HIS will for you to step into the water, despite how it appears physically or even circumstantially. Ask Him to guide you and then WALK with Him using your eyes of faith!

And then, put your hope in him and what he can do in your life! Often God provides no solution to our problems until we trust him and move ahead with what we know we should do…even in weight loss!


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