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The process of Becoming: exchange the discomfort of mediocrity for the blessings of obedience.

Not too long ago I did NOT have the courage to believe that the dream inside of me would ACTUALLY EVER happen. I knew that inside of me I had a dream and even a ‘call’ on my life. But back then, none of it was evident and NONE of it looked easy.

In fact, when I set out on my ‘journey’ to step into what I felt “calling my name”, I didn’t have an office. I didn’t even have a desk. I had a table, a bible, a journal and an insatiable appetite for God’s word to CHANGE ME. But as I stepped out in faith TOWARD the direction of God’s will for my life, things began to take shape, both spiritually and physically. With each day that I CHOSE to obey God’s word and I walked in faith over my feelings, change began happening. And like a big promise snowball of sorts, I became stronger and stronger in trusting my FAITH over my feelings. I applied it to EVERY AREA OF MY LIFE. And that’s when it all began to materialize. My internal changes began to outgrow my external environment. I asked Harry to build me an office in our basement. And I gave him the TINIEST measurements for my bare minimal needs. He looked at me and said, “That’s way too small. You need an office, not a closet.” And he began building me an office BIGGER than I had the courage to dream. And as the office began to near completion, My Uncle delivered a handcrafted desk, bigger and better than I had the courage to dream! THEY KNEW the direction I was going before I knew it.

And in the discomfort of stepping out of life of mediocrity, I stepped INTO the blessings of obedience.

I didn’t know it THEN, but I was stepping off of the broad path of life and ONTO the narrow path toward my promised land; The dream in my heart. But it all started with me JUST TRUSTING GOD. JUST trusting to DO something in my FAITH over my FEELINGS. Because when I first started out as a Life Coach, I wanted to have the office I have now. But No. It only came OVER TIME. It required patience, perserverance, obedience and my complete trust of the process. The process of becoming. In the BECOMING we are remodeled into who we’re meant to be. I wanted this office THEN, but I wasn’t ready for it then. I am now. I’m equipped now. I have been spiritually matured to DESERVE IT, now. But then…when it all started….I wasn’t ready. Back then I needed to JUST START. I started with surrendering my desire to FEEL LIKE doing hard things. Back then I needed to develop my faith before I could ever step into God’s blessings of a greater magnitude. I started by doing hard things; repeatedly. By doing what I needed to do EACH DAY, to grow in God. And as I grew, the space around me began to reflect the change within me. And so my encouragement for YOU today is to dream GOD SIZED DREAMS for your life. Not on a vision board, but in your heart. Not according to the worlds standards, but according to God’s will and purpose for your life. Start doing the HARD THINGS today, even though the results may not be visible for a long time from now. Surrender your worldly desire for THE IMMEDIATE and trust that God is going to do a work in you, for you and through you, if you are willing to trust His timing as He strengthens you in the process. Surrender your desire for IMMEDIATE results and instead invest in your dream, by allowing God to show you everything HE has planned for you. I promise that it’ll be the hardest journey you’ve ever taken; but the MINUTE you step into your Promised Land….you will understand why you had to do so many hard things. And in that moment, you too will look around at your life, and realize that the difficulty was the path to becoming. Becoming who you were meant to be all along. And my hope for you is that you too will look back and realize JUST how worth it, it all was! As you step into 2021, I hope you might exchange immediate gratification for God’s desire to guide you to becoming who you were always meant to be! …even in weight loss.

The Seeker's Method for weight loss OPENS AND STARTS in January of 2021.

Free week of coaching (The Seeker's Method EXPERIENCE) begins on January 4th. Sign up for the free coaching via this link.


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