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We're doing weight loss wrong.

Writer's picture: Sherrie KapalaSherrie Kapala

As I turned on my phone and read the scripture this morning inside of The Seeker's Method I couldn’t help but to smile and think about how GOD really has given us everything we need IN HIM. Today's scripture was, Zechariah 4:6-Not might nor by power, but BY MY SPIRIT, says the Lord!

And even though it's hard, we just need to remember that His Grace is truly sufficient. So often it’s hard to lay hold of His grace because our flesh is so strong. But as Christians, God's word says that we're to lead by our SPIRIT because THE SPIRIT is willing; and the flesh is weak. (Matthew 26:41) And THATS our power. Our everything.

When our hard days come & we struggle to be strong, and we struggle to FOLLOW the Spirit’s lead, God reminds us that THERE IS success on the other side of the difficulty. There IS a way to Prosper, and that way is to see every challenge as a TEST of your will. Will you let your flesh lead, or will you follow the Spirits lead? When we SURRENDER our will and see that God’s WILL is for us to succeed and prosper EVEN IN WEIGHT LOSS, we see that we must CRUCIFY the lusts of our flesh as we pick up GOD’S will to live and do what’s right, even with our food choices, our habits, our routines...everything in our lives. So when we see that we’re dealing with a test of our will, we must decide; will we lead in our flesh again or FOLLOW the Holy Spirit’s lead toward obedience; despite how hard it is? You have to choose. Because one is leading you through the difficulty of obedience to success. While the other is leading you through the ease of disobedience to failure. To follow the Spirits Lead you must rise up against the flesh’s might. God has written a reminder, a pep talk, for you if your days are hard. (See Bright Pink Note card for God's Pep Talk.) Take it to heart and let His word be the light to your feet on this narrow path as you step into a renewed strength & courage in your relationship with God and apply it to your life…even in weight loss!


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