Did you know that God expects us to BE Holy? I never knew that. Not until He woke me up and I actually decided to give my Bible a chance over ALL of the self-help books that lined my bookshelves. WHY does he expect holiness? Because HE is Holy and He can’t be near sin. If you want God close to you, even on your weight loss journey than pursue holiness. Holiness looks like knowing what you should do and then doing it as you seek God’s help to do it. I teach my clients to pursue making Right decisions, even when you don’t feel like it. Don’t invite your feelings to your weight loss journey. Invite God and He’ll help you do what you don’t feel like doing…even in weight loss!
If you'd like to learn how to Seek God instead of a number on the scale then your chance is NOW!
The Seeker's Method for weight loss will be opening in September. 'TSM' is my Christian Life Coaching for weight loss program. It's a 90 (ish) day program where you are led by a Christian Life Coach to your weight loss success. It's the program that I prayed for and didn't know I was destined to write. I had no idea that seeking God mean life gain and from that, was my weight loss. If you're done chasing pounds and ending up defeated and unhappy; it may be time that you joined The Seeker's Method!